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Inefficiency of personnel and weak motivation: 4 problems in personnel management that Steady Control HoReCa solves

Working with staff efficiency always requires huge resources and competences in companies. That is why some best practices are put aside if they do not bring immediate results.
Today it is very important not to miss a single bill. Experience in the industry shows that improvements in the work of line personnel can lead to revenue growth up to 19% even in challenging traffic of recent years. It is high time to focus on untapped asset of business.

SteadyControl is the leader in increasing of personnel efficiency. The personnel control and management system combines the latest technological achievements with modern management practices. The development based on neural networks has already been recognized by various industries including car dealers, furniture retailers and retail business in general. Working with line employees has become a simple and clear business process just like financial management.

Subway, Tsekh85, Kroshka-Kartoshka, Mayak13 restaurant holding and other large companies use the SteadyControl HoReCa solution. The system has the tools to increase the average bill, the quality of customer service and eliminate losses. So, you can improve the efficiency of personnel and solve typical staff problems within one platform.

Violations of work standards and fraud

Personnel shortage in catering has affected not only line personnel, restaurant owners suffer from lack of pedantic and considerate managers. There is also lack of knowledge about how employees behave in the absence of managers who are in charge, so it encourages to launch mystery diners' programs and hire full-time operators. But that does not actually solve the problem, a mystery diner checks the service of one employee only 1−5 times per month, and the operator sooner or later loses objectivity. These tools will always be insufficient if you want to get a complete picture.

Basic monitoring of personnel work can be fully trusted to technologies. SteadyControl personnel management system analyses the work of every employee and every contact with a guest: the technology based on neural network detects violations of company standards including theft or any form of cash fraud. Audio badges, cameras and neural network allow SteadyControl system enhance the processes that depend on employees like cleaning the tables on time and offering a guest another drink.

The control becomes:

  • Fact-based — the work of employees is evaluated by neural networks and operator service center, not the colleagues
  • continuous — the system analyses the work of a restaurant on the daily basis and you always have plenty of data on every employee
  • fully automatic — SteadyControl detects violations without your participation
Managers receive daily reports with violations and specific data: who, when and where made a mistake. SteadyControl allows you to be aware of what is going on in all places without getting involved in the operating system.

Inefficiency of personnel and learning

Another problem in catering business is the inefficiency of personnel and the lack of internal resources for training. Without training system, the work on creating regulations and work standards is devaluated. A competent training and certification system of personnel is a real way to nurture the employees of required level in the company. But usually there is not time and competencies for that.

In SteadyControl system the control does not exist separately from learning. The experience shows that it is not enough to make sure that the staff has read the regulations and learnt the script. The approach does not work if the rules continue to be violated.

With SteadyControl system employees study continuously:

  1. All study materials are uploaded in the internal Knowledge base. If there is a requirement “You should greet every guest”, then there is a document “Service standards” where it is written
  2. Daily SteadyControl system analyses the work of employees and detects any violations of standards
  3. When an employee makes mistakes too often in certain places, the system automatically sends him for recertification according to regulations
Managers no longer need to certify employees personally and think what kind of trainings are essential for better work. SteadyControl system will find the gaps in the knowledge of every employee and will build a unique learning path based on their work. We are convinced that daily results of control determine the real level of an employee’s skills.

In SteadyControl system it is very convenient to inform employees about the rules of work and new products. You can just upload the document in the Knowledge base, create a test and monitor the results in "Training system" section. As a result, the employees are ready to offer the new dish to the guests as soon as it is on the menu.

Staff that does not sell

An employee can be happy and loyal but if he does not meet the work standards the management system does not achieve its goal. Control system, training and motivation are aimed at one thing: the staff works better and guests buy more. One way to focus staff on active sales is monetary motivation.

However, the direct goal "to sell" often makes an employee cheat. For example, an employee may underestimate the actual number of guests to artificially raise the average bill. So, it turns out that the data from the cash reports do not reflect the real performance of an employee. Nowadays a guest may buy a dessert and order another drink even if the waiter did not offer that. And some other guest was ready to add some specialties to their order but they needed the offer from the waiter. It is still a mystery for a restaurant owner how often during one day the employees drop income.

The only way out is to focus on active sales with every guest. The guests' experience supports the idea that the best focus for motivation is not on the concept "to sell", but "to meet the service standards".

SteadyControl system helps to achieve compliance with practices that affect the revenue

Every day SteadyControl system analyses the work of any coffee shop and automatically detects violations of standards from appearance of an employee to mistakes when servicing guests. The system connects to cameras, microphones are installed in cash register areas (or audio badges are used). The integration with cash register software allows you to detect any cash fraud: for example, when the amount in the bill does not match the reality or any manipulations with discounts.
  • Guest orientation on large drinks and syrups
  • Giving information about latest promotions
  • An offer to get a bonus card/ another drink/ have a look at desserts after the main course

The technology keeps records not only of violations but every compliance with service. So, all data about employee is an objective KPI that reflects personal performance. Working in cooperation with HR-consultants SteadyControl system helps restaurant owners tie these results to bonuses.

In 100% cases employees start working more effectively when they see the direct connection between personal results and salary.

And the financial result of a restaurant immediately grows.

Dinara Mescherova

CFO "Subway"

There was a turning point when we introduced a system of monetary motivation: the employees appreciated that their certification result is not affected by the manager’s evaluation which can be quite subjective sometimes.

During the first month the salary fund decreased and that was expected, but it was at this moment when the staff began to immediately respond to their mistakes. And during the second month both the efficiency of the employees and the salary fund increased.
SteadyControl system
More than 50 000
employees with high performance
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Diluted economic effect

The key result that matters for a manager is always the financial result. If you want to evaluate the return on efforts and calculate how the increase in employee efficiency affected the revenue and average bill it is essential to work tediously with data. Almost no one has resources for that.

SteadyControl system presents ready-made analytics: for example, the graph below illustrates the correlation between sales and offer of a sandwich to a guest at Subway. Sales grow along with the offers and this implies both the performance of the employees and the effective script formulation.
A sandwich can be replaced by any of your marginal dishes. SteadyControl system shows how often the dish was offered to the guests, how the sales change and how the situation develops after the update of the motivation system. The system has the answer to the question how the employees influence the average bill and the total revenue. And this allows managers determine inefficient practices and scale profitable ones.

The starting point in working with SteadyControl HoReCa is always the elimination of primitive losses and work with simple customer service. We know the cases when up to 18% of income was lost on cash fraud, stop lists and refusal to provide the service. In one of the largest catering chains "RobinSdobin" in Chernozem region of Russia the compliance with basic scripts and work discipline during the pilot project led to 19% increase of an average bill.

Take your first step with the leaders in improving personnel efficiency. Send us your request for the presentation and we will tell you about the company, show the system in action and calculate the cost according to your aim.

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